Future of mHealth in Europe
Lessons learned from the EmERGE project
2 September | Virtual stakeholders meeting
The meeting provided platform for stakeholders' exchange on HIV m-health interventions/telemedicine, the EmERGE intervention; advantages/disadvantages of telemedicines/digital tools in COVID 19 context, ensuring patient engagement in shaping services and leaving no one behind. The presentations are available below.
Agenda and links to presentations
Part 1: EmERGE project learnings
Featuring Brian West (EATG), Jennifer Whetham (Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK), Mary Darking (University of Brighton, UK), Sanja Belak Skugor and Tomislav Vurusic (Lux Vitae), Josip Begovac(University of Zagreb, Croatia)

EmERGE project: Key Findings
Dr Jenny Whetham on behalf of the EmERGE consortium
Why Co Design?
Dr Mary Darking, University of Brighton
Implementation of mHealth in a country context Croatia
Sanja Belak, Tomislav Vurusic - NGO Lux Vitae
Implementation of EmERGE in Croatia
Josip Begovac University Hospital for Infectious Diseases
Part 2: EmERGE, mHealth and health systems in the EU
Featuring Ander Elustondo Jauregui (European Reference Networks and Digital Health, European Commission),Christoph D.Spinner (Klinikum rechts der Isar Technische Universität München, Germany), Hrvoje Belani (Country e-Health and Cybersecurity, Ministry of Health, Croatia), Ricardo Fernandes (GAT, Portugal)

Transferring and expanding EmERGE and similar interventions
Kevin Moody
Part 3: Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis and the role of digital pathways in HIV prevention and care
Featuring Ludwig Apers (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium) and breakout out sessions moderated by Koen Block (IPPF EN, Belgium) and Daria Alexeeva (AFEW International, The Netherlands).

Lessons from the COVID 19 crisis and the role of digital pathways in HIV prevention and care
Moderator: Dr.Ludwig Apers, STI clinic - Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium
EmERGE: Benefits of the EmERGE app
EmERGE: Capturing collaborative research and co-design